
Egypt: Towards a Vibrant Civil Society (A Panel featuring Wael Ghonim)

Monday, May 23 · 6:00pm - 7:30pm
MIT Campus, building 34 room 101
50 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA
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Please Join us for an engaging conversation on the role of civil society in the middle east, grassing the roots of the Egyptian post-revolution using IT as a tool for development and social change.

  •  Wael Ghonim:  An active former Google Middle East Marketing Executive and creator of the Facebook page that helped spark the Egyptian revolution.
  • Mona Mowafi: A research Fellow, Doctoral Candidate in Social Epidemiology in the Department of Society, Also work on health inequities and burden of chronic diseases in Egypt and the Arab world.
  • Aly El Tayeb: Graduated from Cairo University. Worked on number of initiatives in the areas of university independence and elections monitoring.
Sweatshirt Black " Egyptian Revolution " Egypt Country Large

1 comment:

  1. Good News!! The marching has been officially confirmed from Harvard Square to Government Center. So bring your flags.
